
JLPT N4 GRAMMAR: のが (noga)

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のが (noga)

Meaning: Something is liked or disliked or Something has certain skills or capabilities.

When dictionary form of verb nominalized by attaching の and further added by が, the verb phrase indicates the specific action which describes likes or dislikes and skills or capabilities by adjectives like 好き、きらい、じょうず、へた、はやい、遅い etc. Also it do not refers and noun like ~のは~です pattern.


動詞辞書形 (Verb Dictionary form)+のが~

Example sentences:

  • 私は花を育てるのが好きです。
  • Watashi wa hana o sodateru no ga sukidesu.
  • I like growing flowers.
  • मुझे फूल उगाना पसंद है।
  • 東京の人は歩くのが速い です。
  • Tōkyō no hito wa aruku no ga hayaidesu.
  • People in Tokyo walk fast.
  • टोक्यो में लोग तेजी से चलते हैं।